Living Life in Brisbane

1st day of 2012. A month has passed since the first time I arrived in Australia. 19 months to go before, insyaAllah, I go back to contribute to my lovely country Indonesia. I have experienced some interesting things during the last month of 2011. Great things to adopt back in Indonesia. Not only for myself, hopefully for a greater future of Indonesia.

1. Great awareness towards greener environment. Rubbish separation is encouraged to the smallest level of families to support government's initiation of recycling.

2. Friendly people everywhere! I was greeted Happy New Year so many times today at city! A rare situation way back in Indonesia, where people will just pass by without saying anything. I was actually thinking that this could possibly because it's a new year, but normally, everyday people will greet others as simply as saying "Hello" or "How is it going?" to even strangers passing by! Being greeted like that, brings the feeling of acceptance in a greater sense.
This has probably been in these people's character. Once I read a booklet at a public bus. It says (more likely): "Greet our drivers. They may be your friends' parents, grand parents. Simply say Hello when entering the bus". What the heck? As an Indonesian, as we often claim to the world as friendly people, I never did so!

3. Safety in public places. When you lost something, just simply go to the nearest lost and found department to the scene. I have heard many stuff like a small USB, mobile phones, wallets, laptops, or even passports have been found at lost and found departments or even stayed un-touched at bus stops even beaches! Having said that, I still do not reccommend to try this. But the bottom line is, people here are so helpful to others.

Okay. Those are still some, yet many will follow as my life here continues. Have a blast upcoming year, people! Be nice to everybody!


  1. Unknown said...

    pengin banget nih ke australia gua

  2. Unknown said...

    profilenya kaya apa sih, masih ada salju ya di sana bagian selatan

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